Great winners or achievers share something in common, a coach or a mentor. Even basketball superstar Michael Jordan, had coach Phil Jackson! Together, they won six NBA championships. Now, you too, can take your business and life to new championship levels, with Jeff as your personal success coach.
Doubled my business!
“I began working with Jeff in 1998 and he helped double our business at Burns with a blend of great ideas, structure and ongoing accountability—ensuring we followed through on the plan he helped create. I highly recommend Jeff to any company wanting to grow their business quickly. As good as Jeff is as a business-growth specialist, he’s an even better person, who I call a friend.”
Bob Williams,
Burns Entertainment & Sports Marketing, Inc.
& author of The Brand Agent
more of Bob’s success
Are you ready:
- To get the results you want?
- To grow your business?
- To accelerate your career?
- To improve your life?
If your answer is a resounding “Yes!” …
Then Jeff is ready to:
- deliver proven strategies for life-long opportunities of growth and prosperity
- motivate you to meet and exceed your goals
- turn your new knowledge and skills—into power and profit
- customize your game plan for success
- energize you to discover—passion, purpose and fun
- show you how to hurdle your belief barriers
- create an atmosphere for meaningful action—resulting in a lifetime of significant achievement
Winners possess a common quality, and that’s focus. The mindset to know what they desire and the fire in their belly, to turn fantasy into fact and dreams into reality. Yet, they don’t “go it” alone! Great achievers share something in common and that’s a coach or a mentor.
The “personal success-coach” process takes commitment and discipline. Since Jeff will politely push and challenge you, (or your key team members), to go beyond your “comfort zone.” After all, that’s where the real breakthroughs and “ah-has” happen!
Jeff works with CEOs, Presidents, business-owners, C-suite executives in sales, marketing and operations, as well as with salespeople and service pros.
He helps you see or discover the subtleties, in your life or business. The opportunities often overlooked by others or you.
Are you eligible?
To qualify, there are requirements:
- You have big plans. Big goals. Big dreams. And a big ego! Yep, that’s right, a big ego. If you don’t believe in your future, who will? However, you also need to “check your ego at the door.” Meaning, you’re open to your world of infinite possibilities—even if it requires candid dialogue, intense analysis and brutal honesty.
- You’re driven by altruism, not greed. Meaning, when you deliver greater value, you reap greater rewards. Yes, you need a burning desire to succeed, yet you also want to see others grow and prosper. Like your family, your employees, your community, etc.
- You have the discipline to grow your business, accelerate your career and improve your life. This is an evolutionary process. It happens over time, not overnight.
It takes guts.It takes persistence.It takes passion.It takes action.There will be deadlines to honor and assignments to complete. Each will have a specific purpose—to generate a result.
Jeff will never give you “busy work.” You’re both too busy for that!
- You have the ability to make a significant financial investment. We don’t want to “burden” or “strap” you. That’s why it’s much easier to work with folks like you, who are already successful and want to become even more successful.
- You can commit to an intense, yet always friendly and fun—strategic and tactical relationship.
So how does the “personal success coach” process begin?
It starts with a phone or virtual call.
Together, you and Jeff will determine where you’re at, where you’d like to be, and how you’d like to get there. You’ll both make sure you can create a smart game plan for growth.
And it feels right. You connect. There’s a chemistry. Because you both have to trust your gut, that you’ll work well together. Since your relationship is always based on honesty and trust.
One of Jeff’s clients, the CEO of a multi-billion company once declared, “Jeff, what I like about you is, you never protect your butt and you never kiss mine!”
Following your initial phone or virtual call, you might then receive your extensive and customized pre-coaching questionnaire.
The purpose of this confidential questionnaire is twofold:
First: It will provide Jeff with the most comprehensive understanding possible of you and your business. Who you are. What your business is all about. How you think. How you operate. Sell. Serve. Promote. Market. And run your business. What drives you. What excites you.
Second: It’ll provide you with illuminating, revealing and perhaps even startling insights into you and your business. It’ll get you mentally prepared, “geared up” or as many have said, even “psyched up” for your on-going relationship with Jeff.
Based on your responses, Jeff will work with you, to custom-design your game plan for success—for:
- Strategy A: an initial three-month coaching relationship, or
- Strategy B: an initial six-month coaching relationship, or
- Strategy C: longer than six-months
During this relationship, you and Jeff will “meet” by telephone, Zoom, Teams and/or in-person at pre-determined times, for typically 60 to 75 minutes or longer. (Yet the focus is never on time. It’s on results. Meaning, your success sessions won’t abruptly end at the sixtieth or seventy-fifth minute, if there are additional challenges, opportunities, ideas, issues or topics you’d like to discuss.)
Because of the intense, personal and highly-focused nature of the “success coach” relationship—Jeff only works with selected individuals or team members on an on-going basis. (And yes, over the decades he has politely said, “No” to some folks.)
To learn more about how Jeff can help you create meaning and momentum—toward your goals and dreams, please contact Sheryl Kantor at 847.998.0688 or [email protected]. Or complete this quick and easy Results Request.
Your world of infinite possibilities and even greater achievement await you. Take action. Now!
Related business-growth tools and resources:
Watch Jeff
Opportunity $elling® CDs
Stop Whining! Start Selling!
Peak Your Profits
Opportunity $elling®
Carpe A.M. • Carpe P.M. / Seize Your Destiny!
Profitable Customer Service
How to Set and Really Achieve Your Goals
Behavioral Assessments
Articles & Newspaper Columns
Success Stories
Book excerpts:
Stop Whining! Start Selling!
Peak Your Profits!
Opportunity $elling
Carpe A.M. • Carpe P.M.
Programming for Your Results:
Opportunity $elling
The Customer Commitment
Negotiating Know How – The Power of “Yes”
Referrals: Your Road to Results
Change: Capsize or Capitalize
Marketing Magic
Manage, Move & Motivate
Creating Your Own “TV” Telecast
Creating Your Own C.A.B. / Customer or Client Advisory Board
Personal Success Coaching
Behavioral Assessments
Jeff’s Incredible No-Risk Assurance
For more information, to check Jeff’s availability or schedule this results-session, please contact Sheryl Kantor at 847.998.0688 or [email protected]. Or complete this quick and easy Results Request.