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September, 2024
Welcome to YOUR newly designed and re-formatted Results Report.
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Strategies and ideas for life and business, to help you maximize results!
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Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
     - Arthur Ashe / professional tennis champion
The secret of change, is to focus all of your energy—not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
     - Socrates / philosopher
Define success in your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you're proud to live.
     - Anne Sweeney / Netflix board member and former co-chair of Disney Media Networks
You and your people (along with your products and services)—must provide customers with a comfort zone or peace of mind. With you, they're assured of performance and results. You, your talent and expertise remove the risk, concern and doubt that may accompany their decisions. Remember, your customers are always looking for ways to maximize gain and minimize or eliminate loss.

The preceding quote, is an excerpt from the 5th edition of Jeff's bestselling, Peak Your Profits. Available on Amazon (as of this writing) at a significant savings:


Thanks to all of you, who helped PYP5 jump to #25 on Amazon.


Jeff's sixth and latest book is also on Amazon:

BULLSEYE! Hitting Your Targets at Home and at Work

It was released December 2nd, 2022—and four days later, achieved Best Seller status in multiple Amazon book categories. Including Hot New Releases:

Thanks! We're incredibly grateful.

BULLSEYE is also now available at Amazon as an EBook—at a special 50% E-courtesy savings.



QUESTION: Jeff, do first impressions really matter?

ANSWER: The best way to answer your question, is with a simple, yet powerful story.

One of my clients, Raj, is an extremely successful banker. While in graduate school, Raj helped defray expenses by delivering pizzas. However, he wasn't your typical pizza delivery man.

Raj knew at an early age, the importance of "tangibles" and image. Raj requested and received from his employer, extra shirts and hats with the company's logo.

His strategy was simple: He knew if he looked sharp and presentable, people would likely be more willing to invite him into their home, instead of making him stand outside on the stoop in the cold or rain.

Plus, he also knew, he'd likely receive larger tips and repeat sales.

Raj was right on both accounts.

He even had business cards printed. And guess what happened? Customers would order pizzas and request only Raj deliver them!

Daily, decision-makers are bombarded by countless external stimuli: from travel, work, advertising, the media, social media and your competitors. Many times, these external factors and buying-influencers are analyzed quickly. Buyers make snap-judgments and then are off and running, ready to attack the next crisis.

Therefore, you want to make sure every judgment made about your products, services, company, communication and especially you, is positive and favorable.

According to my friend, communications-specialist Lynn Pearl, "You only have five seconds when you enter a room to make a positive impression. A confident manner characterized by a strong stride, a friendly smile, good posture and a genuine sense of energy commands respect."

Studies have even shown a firm handshake, good eye contact, or simply remembering names are critical business-growth skills.

It may not be fair, but like it or not, you're always being judged by your prospects and customers. Be sure, their judgments are in your favor.

Because, first impressions...really do matter!

• • • • •



If you'd like to see Jeff tell the bullseye story, that's the inspiration for his latest best selling book: BULLSEYE! Hitting Your Targets at Home and at Work, please go to ResultsTV and his Vintage Video Vault at:


then click on this "Classic Cut" — Staying on Target

You might especially enjoy—seeing Jeff with fuller and darker hair, on top of his head and above his lip!


Joe Calloway and I have been friends for about 40 years. He's a fellow Hall of Fame Speaker and bestselling author. I've had the pleasure and privilege to be on client programs with Joe—and would always enjoy our pre-convention conversations. We'd make sure our two messages complemented and built on one another—to help our clients maximize results.

While Joe has "hung-up" his microphone as a speaker, he's still an in-demand business-consultant for his practical, incisive and on-target counsel.

Now, you too, get to be the beneficiary of Joe’s insights.

Jeff Blackman: Joe, what's foremost on the minds of the business people and leaders you work with?

Joe Calloway: Jeff, the number one opportunity and challenge, is growth. The simplest way, might be to make more, do more, and sell more. Yet you can also consider adding new products or services. I worked with an upscale landscaping company that added Christmas-lighting as a service. It was a huge success. But I've even advised clients to reduce their offerings—for they were wasting time on low- or no-profit endeavors.

JB: Aside from your speaking and consulting business over the years, you've been involved in other businesses too—including being a restaurant owner and real estate investor. What lessons have you learned from those businesses, that are applicable to any business?

JC: Now, I'm involved with real estate developments, snow board and ski manufacturing, and wholesale bourbon. From these, I've learned more important than your "what" or your "why" is the "who."

When I participate in a company as an investor partner, I'm mainly betting on the people. Do I trust them? Do I like them? Are they great at what they do?

As an advisor to start-ups, I've found their success is much less dependent on their product or service, and more on the quality of the company's leaders. Because business is about relationships, that's what I value most.

JB: What business challenges will confront us in the future? And most important, how do we prepare for them?

JC: I love to ask leaders, "What's going to happen next?" The more experienced and successful they are, the more likely they answer, "I don’t know." Yet, therein lies, the real answer. Our challenge is to confront and handle the increasingly rapid changes in society and technology, without losing our collective cool over it.

A great leader I was working with during an industry crisis, said to his team, "I don't know what we're going to do. But I know who we are, and you know who we are. So we'll figure it out. We'll be fine."

Again, it's the quality of the people, and they know their values and strengths. That prepares them to handle the next challenge.

JB: What's a mistake(s) you've made and what did you learn?

JC: Jeff, there were times early in my career when I spread myself too thin. I took on jobs and assignments that got me off-track. I had to learn the difference between a distraction and an opportunity.

One of my favorite quotes is from Warren Buffet, "The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say 'No' to almost everything." Be open to opportunity, but know, when to say, "No."

JB: What keeps employees happy?

JC: The greatest competitive advantage a business might have, is employees who love to go to work. Think about that. And then think about the opposite reality.

No company can be successful for very long with unhappy employees. Beyond competitive pay and good working conditions, my big three are:

1. Personal connection by and with leadership. Know your employees as people and let them know you. Learn what makes them tick and let them know what makes you tick.

2. A clear, strong culture everyone buys into and is real, not just a poster on the wall.

3. Clarity. Every employee knows exactly what the company vision is and how they fit in with making that vision real. A vital component of this is feedback. Honest, useful feedback, good and bad. People have to know how they're doing.

JB: With any successful business, what metrics are most important to measure?

JC: In my book, Be The Best At What Matters Most, I write about Memphis Invest, a remarkably successful real estate investment company. Every department has their own set of metrics that tells them and leadership exactly how they're doing, i.e., "Number of days property unrentable." That metric leads them to identify the cause of the problem, what the plan for a solution is, and when it will be done.

If I had to pick just one all-important, master-metric, it would be customer satisfaction. To know what your future is, I won't look at sales. I'll look at customer satisfaction.

JB: What role is AI having or will it have, with the clients you're working with?

JC: I have clients using AI in customer service, data analysis, forecasting, social media, writing and composition of all kinds.

Some of my clients are taking a bit of a "you go first" approach. They're exploring, learning, assessing—while not making major commitments that might be significantly changed or abandoned.

The initial fear people felt about AI is tempering, since there's also growing excitement about possibilities and opportunities.

JB: What do customers or clients especially value from any business?

JC: Here's a practical example. Let's say you call me and say, "Joe, I'm entertaining a group of very important clients in Nashville next month. Give me an absolute rock-solid recommendation for a great restaurant."

To help you Jeff, what I'm looking for—is a restaurant absolutely consistent in its delivery of a quality experience. They get it right. Every time. Consistency of performance builds a brand. Inconsistency of performance kills a brand.

Plus, today's customer expects rapid response or delivery. Get back to me immediately or I'll go somewhere else. That's today's standard. Never make a customer wait.

• • • • •

So you don't have to wait for more of Joe's wisdom, please be sure to head to Amazon for his powerful, bestselling books on leadership, priorities, market distinction and a winning mindset.

• • • • •

Want to see how Jeff Blackman helped one client drive results? Please take a peek at this video, where Chris Randall, CEO of Ultra Risk Advisors, talks about Jeff's positive and powerful impact on his team:
BlackmanUltraResults video: (2:03)
To explore how Jeff can help you and your team drive results—with speaking, training, coaching, consulting and ongoing reinforcment—in-person or virtual, please contact Sheryl Kantor at: [email protected] or 847.998.0688
Your cup of inspiration, reflection and laughter!


Over the decades, I've literally spoken to thousands of groups. Yet, recently—my wife and I appeared before a unique and especially important audience.
They were remarkably attentive and enthusiastically engaged.
Ummm, it was our twin grandchildren, Charlie and Sloane's second birthday, and my wife and I were the official guest mystery-readers for them and their classmates.
We mesmerized the kids with our dramatic interpretive readings of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Plus, to our surprise, at the conclusion of our readings, one two-year-old asked, "In each story, who was the protagonist?"



When driving on our Chicago and suburban roads, I never know what mesage will be sent—by the car and driver in front of me...


Apparently, this fellow lives life with...well, you get it!


Uh oh, I was stuck behind a narcissist!


Am not sure, if this person has blind ambition or is blonde and ambidextrous!



For an extra dose of inspiration and knowledg, please take a peek at our latest blog post:


And of course, you're welcome to become a blog subscriber too!

Coffee Break for the Mind is a registered trademark of Blackman & Associates, LLC

To make a Coffee Break for the Mind submission when you see or hear something funny, quirky or offbeat, please send it to: [email protected]


Looking for ideal gifts for yourself or others—to make this a time for dramatic growth and success...

Then please head to Amazon for Jeff's two latest bestselling books: Peak Your Profits and BULLSEYE!



BULLSEYE is also now available at Amazon as an EBook—at a special 50% E-courtesy savings.

You can't buy happiness, but you can buy books—and that's kind of the same thing!
     - Unknown
Thanks to each you, who forward The Results Report to your teammates, peers, friends, family, customers and connections. With each issue, this literally happens thousands of times. And we're grateful. If you'd like to save a step, please send us the email addresses of those special folks you forward it to, as well as others you think would enjoy each issue. Then we'll add them to our virtual family. Plus, let them know it was your idea. Thanks!
MEET JEFF |Jeff helps you win BIG in today's competitive marketplace. His high-energy and high-content messages deliver immediate take-home value, growth and results for you and your team. Whether he works with you once in a dynamic keynote or once-a-month in an ongoing coaching and learning-system, he helps you drive relationships, revenue, profits, results and rewards. Jeff is singularly focused on helping you achieve and surpass your desired outcomes. And you're even protected by Jeff's incredible No-Risk Assurance.
RIGHT FOLKS, RIGHT RESULTS |What's driving current or prospective members of your team? Your salespeople? Service 
													pros? And leaders? What causes them to produce, lead or loaf? What motivates them to attain, or not attain, new levels of success? What direction are they headed? Where do you want their journey to go? How valuable would it be, if you had the answers to these questions? Well now you can!
AUDIO EXCERPTS | Listen to powerful excerpts from Jeff's audio growth tools, CDs or interviews. | LISTEN NOW
"Jeff, the feedback is the best I've received in 9 years of coordinating our Forward meetings. You scored a Grand Slam! Thank you for doing such a great job, in preparing and motivating our team."
David Wallach President
Barclay Street Real Estate / 2011
(In April, 2024—David once again asked Jeff to work with his team in Calgary.)
"We first used Jeff's results strategies in 2011 and found great success. Fast forward 10 years and we basically have a new sales force due to retirements. To help our team achieve success and to keep 2021's momentum going, we made the easy decision to ask Jeff back. He took the time to learn all about our company in 2011 and again now. We discussed our history, culture, mission, markets, challenges and goals. Jeff definitely prepares for his audience and it shows when he's leading our discussions. His energetic style keeps everyone engaged and his strategies are simple to understand and easy to use. Plus, his follow-up virtual programs keep everything fresh, reinforcing the initial in-person training. Our sales team even thanked us for bringing Jeff in! It's cool to watch and hear how Jeff's techniques are helping our team gain sales. To see your sales team find success and grow your business, call Jeff."
Bill Michael President
Medler Electric Company / 2021
(In July, 2024—Bill and his leadership team, asked Jeff to return to Michigan to kickoff the third coaching and learning-system for Medler.)
"From the moment we met Jeff, he was interested in knowing our business at a fundamental level. He spent multiple sessions with our team, learning our merger challenges, interviewing customers and suppliers, and tailoring his 'change' message. He then set our conference tone with a fantastic keynote kick-off. I highly recommend Jeff to anyone looking to launch a new initiative or jump-start their organization wiht new energy and direction. We value his hard work and preparation and were thrilled with his keynote presentation."
Paul Dean Executive Vice President
LBM Advantage
"It's a pleasure working with Jeff through his results-process. Immediately after speaking with him and seeing his focused research to understand our needs, we knew we had a winning training and coaching strategy. Jeff's early engagement with our team, ongoing conversations and personal touch—in-person and throughout our reinforcement sessions, makes the magic flow—with accountability and focus, keeping us on track to meet and exceed our goals. If you want to differentiate, add value and take your craft to a new level, Jeff's your  partner. He's dynamic, encouraging, professional and a wonderful person."
Kelly Vliet retired Vice President, Sales
Medler Electric Company
Please click the following link, to see a
video testimonial from CEO-Chris Randall,
of Ultra Risk Advisors:
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One giant winner: YOU!

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Best Selling Business-Growth Tools
Thanks for being a valued member of our virtual family! Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated—we value your feedback. The Results Report is read by loyal subscribers like you, in 58 countries. When all is said and done, more should not be said, than done. Turn your knowledge to action. Your ideas to implementation. Your possibilities to execution. Because the greatest driving success-force in your life — is YOU! Here's to your results and rewards. Get ready to rock Q4 2024!
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