Strategies and ideas for life and business, to help you maximize results!
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“Effort only fully releases its reward, after a person refuses to quit.”
- Napoleon Hill / American self-help author, best known for his book Think and Grow Rich
“Sooner or later, those who win, are those who think they can.”
- Paul Tournier / Swiss physician and author
“Make the most of yourself, by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility—into flames of achievement.”
- Gold Meir / first female Prime Minister of Israel
“With credibility, your word is your bond. Customers know you're trustworthy and believable. If you say it, it's gospel. If you do it, it's done right! Remember, it takes years to develop your reputation, yet only seconds to lose it. To achieve your desired results and goals, first, help your customers achieve theirs.”
The preceding quote, is excerpted from the 5th edition of Jeff's bestselling, Peak Your Profits. Available on Amazon (as of this writing) at a 32% savings:
Thanks to all of you, who helped PYP5 jump to #25 on Amazon.

Jeff's sixth and latest book is also on Amazon:
BULLSEYE! Hitting Your Targets at Home and at Work
It was released December 2nd, 2022—and four days later, achieved Best Seller status in multiple Amazon book categories. Including Hot New Releases:

Thanks! We're incredibly grateful.
BULLSEYE is also now available at Amazon as an EBook—at a special 50% E-courtesy savings.
QUESTION: Jeff, always enjoy your travel tales. Because they come with valuable lessons. What's another example?
ANSWER: Fun question. Will never forget the time when...
United flight 512 lands in Boston at 3:26pm. Not good news. Especially when my connection to Hyannis leaves in 16 minutes.
I bolt off the flight at 3:32pm in Logan's C terminal. Spot a United Customer Service Rep and ask, "Where’s Cape Air please?"

He says, "Oh, that's easy. Walk to the end of C. Leave the building. Head to the curb. Wait for the bus, to take you to the A terminal."
I exclaim, "Wait for the bus?" He asks, "What time is your flight?" My response, "3:42. Why?"
He confidently proclaims, "It'll take you about 15 minutes to get there? You'll never make it!"
I run for the curbside. Luckily, an airport shuttle bus
pulls up. I hop on, grab my cell phone, call Cape Air,
explain my predicament and request they hold the plane.
The Cape Air agent says, "You're kidding." I reply, "No, I'm serious. I really need your help. Please call the gate and ask them to wait." He says, "Hang on, be right back."
A minute later, he says, "Okay, if you can get there within the next five minutes, they'll wait."
I thank him. At 3:45pm, I jump off the bus, run into
terminal A and streak for the escalator. At the top, I
quickly scan the gates and spot Cape Air's counter. As I'm running toward the counter, the Cape Air agent yells, "Mr. Blackman, we've been expecting you."
I gratefully respond, "Thanks so much for your help Lynn. How do I get to the plane?" He says, "Sorry sir, it left."
Surprised, I say, "But I thought you were expecting me?!"
He says, "Well we were, but we had to leave. That's our policy." I ask, "When you say leave, do you mean leave the gate or leave the ground?"
He says, "Oh, the plane is still here, but it pulled away
from the gate. So we can't board you now."
I politely say, "Lynn, I really need your help please. How can you get me on that plane?"
He sternly replies, "I can't. There's nothing I can do."
I turn to Cindy, his counter compatriot, "Cindy, you look like the right person for this opportunity. Who can you talk to that will give us a yes decision?"
Lynn says, "What do you mean?"
I answer, "I need Cindy to find somebody to say 'yes' to me. And I'm confident she will." 
Lynn folds his arms and sighs, "Hmmph!"
Cindy views my request as a challenge. For I have now empowered her to rise to the occasion. To seize the moment. To grab for glory. To get me out of Boston!
Cindy grabs the phone and shouts, "ALAN..."
I ask, "Who's Alan?" Lynn says, "The pilot!"
Cindy continues, "Alan, Mr. Blackman is HERE! Will you wait for him?" She then looks at me and asks, "Mr. Blackman, what do you weigh?" I answer, "How much do you want me to weigh?"
She says, "Oh, forget it. Alan will wait for you. Run!"
I fly down the stairs, shove open the tarmac door and run to board a twin prop with Alan and four passengers.
Phew! Made it. Yet for the next thirty minutes, I served drinks and peanuts!
Bonus Points or Winning Ways:
1. Be politely persistent. (Don't let bureaucracy win.)
2. Stay calm. (Yelling and screaming to get what you want, don't work.)
3. Be in control. (If you're not, somebody else will be in control.)
4. Never feel like a victim. "Why me?" whining doesn't serve you well. (Make this a time for hope, not helplessness.)
5. Ask questions that get you closer to your goal. (Politely probe. Together determine what positive steps can be taken.)
6. Spend no time with non-decision makers. (It's a waste of time. Especially if you expect them to make a decision.)
7. Find people who can say "yes" or significantly influence another decision-maker to say "yes". (Seek influential champions, who can empathize, support or promote your cause.)
8. Create a team. (It's amazing what two or more dedicated people can accomplish. Let others know, you need their help.)
9. Help another person achieve. (Folks love to win. Let them be a positive contributor to your combined victory.)
10. When you get the decision you want, get outta there. Fast! (Be grateful. Say thank you. Smile. Then split!)
• • • • •
If you'd like to see Jeff tell the bullseye story, that's the inspiration for his latest best selling book: BULLSEYE! Hitting Your Targets at Home and at Work, please go to ResultsTV and his Vintage Video Vault at:
then click on this "Classic Cut" — Staying on Target

You might especially enjoy—seeing Jeff with fuller and darker hair, on top of his head and above his lip!
Dale Irvin and I have been friends for 42 years. Since he's a buddy, you already know he's smart. But he's also, funny!
Dale is a speaker and comedian, who has been the opening act for Jay Leno. And he's best known as the world's only Professional Summarizer. He attends meetings, in-person or virtual, and listens to "all" of the speakers. Then, just before the meeting's conclusion, Dale delivers a "summary" of what the audience has seen in a custom-created comedy monologue.
His summaries induce big laughs, yet also reinforce a meeting's serious points. As you already sense, Dale is unique. Well, okay, maybe, he's really twisted—with his perspective on life and business. What fun!
Jeff Blackman: There's lots of serious stuff happening in the world—why now, more than ever, is it so important to laugh?
Dale Irvin: Mark Twain put it best when he said, "The secret source of humor is not joy, but sorrow." When things go bad, laughter is sometimes our only defense against going mad. I often cite the example of my mother's funeral.
When she died, the funeral director asked if there was anything I needed. I said, "A big screen TV and a video cassette player." Before mom passed away, I converted to video, family movies she and my dad made over the years, so she could watch them whenever she wanted.
During mom's wake, we played the movies non-stop in one corner of the parlor. It had an amazing effect. When visitors saw the movies, it brought lots of smiles and laughs to an otherwise somber event.
For my funeral, I plan on having a ventriloquist next to the casket so I can say my final goodbyes to folks!
JB: What's the healing power of laughter?
DI: When you laugh, positive changes happen in your body. Laughter is a form of exercise. You're exercising muscles in your face, chest, and abdomen. If you're rolling on the floor, laughing like they do in comic strips—even your arms and legs get a workout.
JB: How can people be funnier or bring more humor into their lives?
DI: Three ways:
1. Read and watch things that make you laugh. Laughter is like movement, once you start to laugh, the laughs get easier to find. Start your day by reading the comics in the newspaper before you read the headlines. On your way to work, listen to radio stations, podcasts or recordings that make you smile. At home, turn off the news and turn on the Comedy Channel.
2. Hang around funny people. When you keep company with people who make you laugh, you'll get funnier yourself. Plus, funny people are more fun to be around. Look at the next party you attend. Who gets the attention? The funny person who makes others laugh. You could be that person!
3. Subscribe to my free Friday Funnies. It'll make you laugh over 50 times a year, the bare minimum for a human being. It could keep you alive!
JB: What comedians most influenced you?
DI: Three shaped the way I look at the art form. First, Steve Allen. He had the quickest wit. Second, Johnny Carson, who had the best timing. My third influencer, George Carlin, who was creative in a whole new way.
JB: What role does humor play in professional success?
DI: A huge role. Everybody prefers to deal with someone who makes them laugh or smile. It makes them more comfortable.
JB: How does an idea that hits you, convert into a joke or story — and how can that same process be used to drive creative ideas in business or problem-solving?
DI: The process used to process comedy ideas and business ideas is essentially the same. I was in the advertising business for ten years and am proud that I came up with the slogan, "Good to the last drop." Unfortunately, it was for the Otis elevator company!
In advertising and comedy, you first conceive an idea for an ad, or a joke, or a new product. From there, you stretch and expand your thoughts. Then you begin to trim and edit until you have the perfect ad, joke, or product.
JB: What question would you like to answer that never gets asked of you?
DI: Nobody has ever asked me, if I wanted to be included in their will.

JB: For more interesting conversations, what are fun questions to ask others, without getting slapped or arrested?
DI: Simple questions like, "What's your favorite movie?" Or, "Who makes you laugh?" The answers will give you a gauge on the person's sense of humor, and it'll lead to other questions.
Another good question to ask is, "If you won the mega millions lottery, what would you do with the money?" Again, the answer gives you another insight into the person you're communicating with.
JB: Most memorable moment in your career…?
DI: Probably my third Academy Award!
In reality, it was Las Vegas, 1982. I was there for an advertising client and saw a sign at the Oriental Hotel announcing an open mic nite. I signed up. And had a great set.
After me, they brought up legendary Catskills comedian Freddie Roman to plug his midnight show at the Top the Dunes. Freddie exclaimed, "I love seeing new comedians getting started, except for that last guy who I concede, is a threat to my business." 
After the show, Freddie came up to me and said, "Wanna see my show at the Dunes tonight?" Of course, I went. And in the middle of his act, he told the audience, "I saw a new comedian tonight, I think he's going to be a star. If we give him some applause, bet we could get him up here."
And with that, I was on stage at the Dunes hotel. The rocket had been lit.
JB: When performing live, have you ever bombed? How did you recover?
DI: Of course, I’m a comedian. If you bomb on stage, you need to do two things. 1. Keep going and finish your show. 2. When you get home, forget it happened. Move ahead. Prepare for your next show. If you bomb five times in a row, comedy is not for you!
JB: What’s a "comedy vitamin"?
DI: You take vitamins daily to keep you physically healthy. A comedy vitamin is something you do once- a-day to preserve your mental health. It can range from reading a humorous article, to listening to a comedy album, or watching The Simpsons. A comedy vitamin is anything you do that makes you laugh. As adults, we laugh on average, 15 times per day. We need to double that. So take as many daily comedy vitamins as you like. You can't overdose!
Plus, look for the bizarre absurdity of everyday life. As Steve Allen once said, "Nothing is funnier than the unintended humor of reality."
For more fun stuff, please visit www.daleirvin.com to see how Dale's Friday Funnies can be an entertaining addition to your e-inbox—or how, at a future meeting, he can be your Professional Summarizer.
• • • • •
Want to see how Jeff Blackman helped one client drive results? Please take a peek at this video, where Chris Randall, CEO of Ultra Risk Advisors, talks about Jeff's positive and powerful impact on his team:
To explore how Jeff can help you and your team drive results—with speaking, training, coaching, consulting and ongoing reinforcment—in-person or virtual, please contact Sheryl Kantor at: [email protected] or 847.998.0688
Your cup of inspiration, reflection and laughter!
Business and life are all about overcoming obstacles.
Since the Blackman family is always up for a challenge...
With confidence and commitment, we recently attacked the tricky trails of Indian Canyons in Palm Springs, CA.
While there were some slips, falls and cuts, we dusted ourselves off. Sprinkled water on scrapes. And kept climbing upward and moving forward. A journey of small, yet important steps. Often, with the supportive and outstretched arm of a loved one.

Plus, it seemed metaphorically appropriate, that our hiking-gear featured a pink-ribbon emblazoned on our shirts for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. A battle that's often also beaten, with small, important steps.
Whose encouragement, support and love will help you today?
And who today, will be the beneficiary of your encouragement, support and love?
It's fair to say, just over a year ago, on Halloween 2023, I lost my "biggest fan". My beloved mom Sallie, passed away at the age of 94.
Friends and family described her as, "Warm, kind, giving, smart, beautiful, tough and sassy." She was all of those things, and more. Plus, she also had a wickedly funny sense of humor.
Mom was always "present" in the lives of her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, family and friends. Yet now, obviously...
Her phone calls stopped. Her voicemails stopped. Her conversations beginning with, "I need" — "I want" or "Get me" stopped.
Yet, what will never stop...
Is my love, others' love—and our collective memories of mom.
This video, The Magic of Mom has become an instant "family favorite" — as it shows mom's reaction, when she was 93, to my latest best seller BULLSEYE.
It was classic mom: Emotional. Funny. Highly entertaining!
For an extra dose of inspiration and knowledg, please take a peek at our latest blog post:
And of course, you're welcome to become a blog subscriber too!
Coffee Break for the Mind is a registered trademark of Blackman & Associates, LLC
To make a Coffee Break for the Mind submission when you see or hear something funny, quirky or offbeat, please send it to: [email protected]

Looking for ideal gifts for yourself or others—to make this a time for dramatic growth and success...
Then please head to Amazon for Jeff's two latest bestselling books: Peak Your Profits and BULLSEYE!

BULLSEYE is also now available at Amazon as an EBook—at a special 50% E-courtesy savings.
“You can't buy happiness, but you can buy books—and that's kind of the same thing!”
- Unknown
Thanks to each you, who forward The Results Report to your teammates, peers, friends, family, customers and connections. With each issue, this literally happens thousands of times. And we're grateful. If you'd like to save a step, please send us the email addresses of those special folks you forward it to, as well as others you think would enjoy each issue. Then we'll add them to our virtual family. Plus, let them know it was your idea. Thanks!
"Jeff, the feedback is the best I've received in 9 years of coordinating our Forward meetings. You scored a Grand Slam! Thank you for doing such a great job, in preparing and motivating our team."
David Wallach • President
Barclay Street Real Estate / 2011
(In April, 2024—David once again asked Jeff to work with his team in Calgary.)
"We first used Jeff's results strategies in 2011 and found great success. Fast forward 10 years and we basically have a new sales force due to retirements. To help our team achieve success and to keep 2021's momentum going, we made the easy decision to ask Jeff back. He took the time to learn all about our company in 2011 and again now. We discussed our history, culture, mission, markets, challenges and goals. Jeff definitely prepares for his audience and it shows when he's leading our discussions. His energetic style keeps everyone engaged and his strategies are simple to understand and easy to use. Plus, his follow-up virtual programs keep everything fresh, reinforcing the initial in-person training. Our sales team even thanked us for bringing Jeff in! It's cool to watch and hear how Jeff's techniques are helping our team gain sales. To see your sales team find success and grow your business, call Jeff."
Bill Michael • President
Medler Electric Company / 2021
(In July, 2024—Bill and his leadership team, asked Jeff to return to Michigan to kickoff the third coaching and learning-system for Medler.)
"From the moment we met Jeff, he was interested in knowing our business at a fundamental level. He spent multiple sessions with our team, learning our merger challenges, interviewing customers and suppliers, and tailoring his 'change' message. He then set our conference tone with a fantastic keynote kick-off. I highly recommend Jeff to anyone looking to launch a new initiative or jump-start their organization wiht new energy and direction. We value his hard work and preparation and were thrilled with his keynote presentation."
Paul Dean • Executive Vice President
LBM Advantage
"It's a pleasure working with Jeff through his results-process. Immediately after speaking with him and seeing his focused research to understand our needs, we knew we had a winning training and coaching strategy. Jeff's early engagement with our team, ongoing conversations and personal touch—in-person and throughout our reinforcement sessions, makes the magic flow—with accountability and focus, keeping us on track to meet and exceed our goals. If you want to differentiate, add value and take your craft to a new level, Jeff's your partner. He's dynamic, encouraging, professional and a wonderful person."
Kelly Vliet • retired Vice President, Sales
Medler Electric Company
Please click the following link, to see a
video testimonial from CEO-Chris Randall,
of Ultra Risk Advisors: