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March, 2024
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I always want to challenge myself and do something I haven't done before. And sometimes those leaps require an act of faith, but I think it really pays off.
     - David Byrne / Scottish-American singer, songwriter, musician, actor, producer, filmmaker, lead vocalist and former frontman for new wave band Talking Heads
Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally.  It comes from what you do consistently.
     - Marie Forleo / entrepreneur and author
My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long University education that I never had — everyday I’m learning something new.
     - Richard Branson / founder of the Virgin Group
With credibility, your word is your bond. Customers know you're trustworthy and believable. If you say it, it's gospel. If you do it, it's done right! Remember, it takes years to develop your reputation, yet only seconds to lose it. To achieve your desired results and goals, first, help your customers achieve theirs.

The preceding quote, is an excerpt from the 5th edition of Jeff's bestselling, Peak Your Profits. Available on Amazon (as of this writing) at a significant savings:


Thanks to all of you, who helped PYP5 jump to #25 on Amazon.


Jeff's sixth and latest book is also on Amazon:

BULLSEYE! Hitting Your Targets at Home and at Work

It was released December 2nd, 2022—and four days later, achieved Best Seller status in multiple Amazon book categories. Including Hot New Releases:

Thanks! We're incredibly grateful.

BULLSEYE is also now available at Amazon as an EBook—at a special 50% E-courtesy savings.



QUESTION: Jeff, unexpectedly, I got a call from a prospect who has the potential to become a big new client. He heard about the success I was having with another industry leader.

Heres the problem, I really want to pursue this new business, but Im concerned my current client might be offended. And this could even jeopardize future business. What do I do?

ANSWER: It’s a great problem to have. And thankfully, I’ve had lots of experience with it. My suggestion(s) are really more guidelines than rules. Because your decision(s) might obviously be influenced by your product, service, industry, sales cycle, purchase-patterns and the types of relationships you have with clients.

However, when YOU think there’s a potential conflict with a prospect, there is. And when that initial conflict starts early, within your mind—that’s a problem. Yet, no worries.

Because there’s an easy way to resolve it. You tell your current client about your concern. Immediately!

This strategy proactively eliminates the dilemma. If at
some point in the future, your client discovers the new
relationship, (even if there’s NOT a conflict), it could
sink you. The perception might be, “That no-good,
deceitful, conniving son-of-a- . . . snuck behind my back!” Plus, you might be plagued daily, wondering, “What if they find out about . . . ?!”

Now, when I suggest you “tell your current client” — here’s what I mean. You don’t make a statement, instead, you create a dialogue.

I’ll usually say something like:

“Hey, I need your help. ABC contacted me about working with their leadership and sales teams. And I wasn’t comfortable with that, unless you’re comfortable with it. How do you feel?” OR

“Could sure use your advice. XYZ heard about the great success we’re having with clients in the (blank) industry. And they’d like me to help them too. What do you suggest I do?”

With this approach, tone and attitude, it’s pretty tough for your client to be disturbed. If they’re like my clients, they’ll be grateful. They’ll really value and respect the courtesy you’ve extended. It’s simple acts like these that identify whether you’re a professional or a peddler.

And remember, partners are invaluable. Vendors are expendable.

Also, you’ll quickly discover your clients will
probably say things like:

“That was really thoughtful of you to ask. No, I don’t see any problem or conflict. Go for it!”

Dialogue and trust breed goodwill. And goodwill drives future opportunities.

• • • • •



If you'd like to see Jeff tell the bullseye story, that's the inspiration for his latest best selling book: BULLSEYE! Hitting Your Targets at Home and at Work, please go to ResultsTV and his Vintage Video Vault at:


then click on this "Classic Cut" — Staying on Target

You might especially enjoy—seeing Jeff with fuller and darker hair, on top of his head and above his lip!


Have you discovered in your professional or personal life—some folks are givers, others—takers. Some are selfless, others—selfish. It’s likely, their preferred “pronouns” aren’t he/she/they, but instead, me/my/ mine! Their favorite word is “I” and their focus is always themselves.

Here’s the great news—you’ll soon discover, Larry Kaufman ain’t one of ‘em! He’s a gracious giver. Plus, his networking knowledge and ability to help you leverage LinkedIn is legendary. Not only for his success, but especially—for those who are connected to him.

I know, I’ve been the fortunate beneficiary of Larry’s insights, connections and friendship. And now, you too will reap the rewards.

Larry and I were introduced by a mutual friend, Kevin Kinsella. He had a hunch, Larry and I would hit-it-off. Boy, was he right! (Thanks again Kevin.)

Larry’s introductions, have led to business and opportunities for me. And my introductions, have led to business and opportunities for him.

Larry’s full-time gig is the Regional Managing Director, Midwest Region for Jefferson Wells—a professional services firm delivering solutions in Finance & Accounting, Internal Audit, Risk & Compliance and Tax. (Jefferson Wells is part of the ManpowerGroup of companies.)

Plus, Larry is a talented speaker, bestselling author and an expert on how to strategically network and best use LinkedIn. Here are edited highlights, from our many conversations...

Jeff Blackman: With your bestselling book, The NCG Factor, NCG stands for Networking • Connecting • Giving. With most folks, the “G” would be “Growing” or “Getting”—yet you call yourself: a connector, rainmaker and giver—who lives his life to help others succeed. So why is “Giving” such a crucial success-driver and how do you execute it?

Larry Kaufman: Giving isn’t about you, it’s about another person or a cause—something that’ll help someone other than yourself. Yet, giving does help you in the process.

You know you’re doing something for the greater good. Giving can be financial, like donating to a charity. Or it could be sharing your knowledge and expertise. You can be an informal or formal mentor, tutor, or coach. Giving is easy to execute, when you devote time and effort to learn about another person and what’s important to them.

JB: What key strategies will help someone network for a lifetime of success?

LK: Do research. Be prepared, before you meet or chat with someone, review their LinkedIn profile. Look for shared connections. Create great questions based upon your research. Be sure to ask, “How can I help you?” Listen. Then, be ready to connect people for the right reasons.

JB: How does one use their LinkedIn network and connections, to be of the greatest help and value to others?

LK: You need connectors. If you have network contacts who aren’t comfortable making introductions, then you’ll be challenged to help others. You need a solid 500 to 1,000 connections—people you know at varied levels, in diverse industries, roles and geographies. Plus, when you devote 30 to 60 minutes daily to LinkedIn, it’ll remind you to reconnect with your network, reach out for birthdays, anniversaries, job changes and promotions.

JB: You have 30,000 LinkedIn connections—how the heck—do you manage them?

LK: I don’t really manage them, I leverage them. The global expertise in my network has repeatedly proven to be helpful to me. But more important, incredibly valuable to my network. That’s why having connections to very connected connectors—enables you to enthusiastically embrace and successfully live, work and execute the NCG way of life!

JB: What’s the best way to position yourself, to help others? Especially, if you’re not sure you can help them.

LK: Great question. Many don’t even ask, “How can I help you?” That’s the best, easiest way to help others—just ask! Plus, the more you ask, learn and listen—the more you learn how to help that person, or how they can help someone else.

JB: You promote the strategy of being “indispensable” — how does one do that, internally within their company and externally with others in their network?

LK: To be indispensable internally, let your company’s leadership, peers and teams— understand they must think of you as an indispensable internal colleague or resource. And when a need surfaces personally or professionally for them, you should have already pre-positioned, “Just ask me for help.” When you have a vast and great network, that helps you meet the needs of that “ask”.

This strategy also works externally. I let others know I’d like to be seen and leveraged as an indispensable relationship in their inner circle. If you’re not networked, but have connections to connectors, like me or you Jeff—we’ll help you become indispensable!

JB: Larry, in The NCG Factor, you share an intriguing suggestion:

“...when you have a 1:1 networking meeting—have a specific plan—which includes—encouraging the person you’re meeting with—to go through your contacts and create a list of 5 to 10 people from your network that might be able to help them in some way.”

And you do the same with their connections. How do you position this?

LK: You need a plan or goal for each 1:1 networking meeting. Know what you want to achieve. It may not be for contact-sharing and introductions, it could simply be to catch-up. Yet the 5 to 10 approach encourages both of you to open your LinkedIn networks to a search for meaningful introductions. You took the time to review and filter their connections and narrowed your target list to 5 to 10.

To easily position this strategy, say something like, “In preparation for our meeting, please filter my LinkedIn network and select 5 to 10 people you’d like to know. And if it’s okay with you, can I do the same with your network?”

JB: How do you best leverage LinkedIn as a lead-generator?

LK: You need to be specific. I might select a one-off introduction request to my network. If a CEO-of-interest is 2nd degree to me and we share 10 connections I know very well, I’ll then ask two to three of those shared connections how well they know the CEO. I’ll then select the 1st degree connection with the best relationship/response—to please introduce me with an introduction written in the third-person. The NCG Factor provides a template to do this.

JB: Tell us more about this descriptive paragraph, so it’s easy for others to introduce you...

LK: Creating your own introduction in the third person, removes the “introduction creation” burden from your introducer. Plus, I don’t want to relinquish creative control, when there’s someone I’d like to meet. And it’s easier on the introducer. All they need to do, is copy/paste/send my introduction. For them, it’s quick, easy, efficient!

JB: What are your LinkedIn best-practices tips?

LK: Here are five:

1. Don’t use only your title—for your headline next to your name. Be creative, use title variations like COO / Chief Operating Officer, and add something interesting about yourself, like Keynote Speaker or 3rd Degree Blackbelt in Karate.

2. Include an ABOUT section and use keywords that really define your skills, background, company’s focus, plus unique facts or experiences about you.

3. Show a professional photo of yourself, a special background image, or proud achievements.

4. Capitalize your FIRST and LAST NAME: Optional, but it helps to highlight your profile when you’re found in a search with others who have similar expertise.

5. Throughout your profile, include keywords related to you or your company’s expertise—that others would use to find someone with your experience. Repetition helps others find you.

For more of Larry’s giving and winning ways, you’ll find The NCG Factor at Amazon.

• • • • •

Want to see how Jeff Blackman helped one client drive results? Please take a peek at this video, where Chris Randall, CEO of Ultra Risk Advisors, talks about Jeff's positive and powerful impact on his team:
BlackmanUltraResults video: (2:03)
To explore how Jeff can help you and your team drive results—with speaking, training, coaching, consulting and ongoing reinforcment—in-person or virtual, please contact Sheryl Kantor at: [email protected] or 847.998.0688
Your cup of inspiration, reflection and laughter!


Airplane slumber requires strategic planning, for there are many important decisions to be made—like eye-mask, pillow and blanket considerations. Do you bury your head in the tray table or lean on your seatmate?

Or you can adapt this ingenious napping knowhow, brilliantly executed by the woman behind me—on a recent early-morning flight from Birmingham, Alabama—back home to Chicago. In aviation circles, it’s known as the Clever Collapse and Cover!



Our twin grandchildren, Charlie and Sloane, a.k.a. the funniest, little people in the world—always seem especially happy, when food is headed toward their mouth or tastefully adorns their face!



My wife and I, have been looking for a new rugged, durable, heavy-duty ride—that could easily handle our nasty winters. Thankfully, at last month's Chicago Auto Show—found it! (Barbie & Ken not included!)



For an extra dose of inspiration and knowledg, please take a peek at our latest blog post:


And of course, you're welcome to become a blog subscriber too!

Coffee Break for the Mind is a registered trademark of Blackman & Associates, LLC

To make a Coffee Break for the Mind submission when you see or hear something funny, quirky or offbeat, please send it to: [email protected]


Looking for ideal gifts for yourself or others—to make 2024 a time for dramatic growth and success...

Then please head to Amazon for Jeff's two latest bestselling books: Peak Your Profits and BULLSEYE!



BULLSEYE is also now available at Amazon as an EBook—at a special 50% E-courtesy savings.

You can't buy happiness, but you can buy books—and that's kind of the same thing!
     - Unknown
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MEET JEFF |Jeff helps you win BIG in today's competitive marketplace. His high-energy and high-content messages deliver immediate take-home value, growth and results for you and your team. Whether he works with you once in a dynamic keynote or once-a-month in an ongoing coaching and learning-system, he helps you drive relationships, revenue, profits, results and rewards. Jeff is singularly focused on helping you achieve and surpass your desired outcomes. And you're even protected by Jeff's incredible No-Risk Assurance.
RIGHT FOLKS, RIGHT RESULTS |What's driving current or prospective members of your team? Your salespeople? Service 
													pros? And leaders? What causes them to produce, lead or loaf? What motivates them to attain, or not attain, new levels of success? What direction are they headed? Where do you want their journey to go? How valuable would it be, if you had the answers to these questions? Well now you can!
AUDIO EXCERPTS | Listen to powerful excerpts from Jeff's audio growth tools, CDs or interviews. | LISTEN NOW
"Jeff, the feedback is the best I've received in 9 years of coordinating our Forward meetings. You scored a Grand Slam! Thank you for doing such a great job, in preparing and motivating our team."
David Wallach President
Barclay Street Real Estate
"We first used Jeff's results strategies in 2011 and found great success. Fast forward 10 years and we basically have a new sales force due to retirements. To help our team achieve success and to keep 2021's momentum going, we made the easy decision to ask Jeff back. He took the time to learn all about our company in 2011 and again now. We discussed our history, culture, mission, markets, challenges and goals. Jeff definitely prepares for his audience and it shows when he's leading our discussions. His energetic style keeps everyone engaged and his strategies are simple to understand and easy to use. Plus, his follow-up virtual programs keep everything fresh, reinforcing the initial in-person training. Our sales team even thanked us for bringing Jeff in! It's cool to watch and hear how Jeff's techniques are helping our team gain sales. To see your sales team find success and grow your business, call Jeff."
Bill Michael President
Medler Electric Company
"From the moment we met Jeff, he was interested in knowing our business at a fundamental level. He spent multiple sessions with our team, learning our merger challenges, interviewing customers and suppliers, and tailoring his 'change' message. He then set our conference tone with a fantastic keynote kick-off. I highly recommend Jeff to anyone looking to launch a new initiative or jump-start their organization wiht new energy and direction. We value his hard work and preparation and were thrilled with his keynote presentation."
Paul Dean Executive Vice President
LBM Advantage
"It's a pleasure working with Jeff through his results-process. Immediately after speaking with him and seeing his focused research to understand our needs, we knew we had a winning training and coaching strategy. Jeff's early engagement with our team, ongoing conversations and personal touch—in-person and throughout our reinforcement sessions, makes the magic flow—with accountability and focus, keeping us on track to meet and exceed our goals. If you want to differentiate, add value and take your craft to a new level, Jeff's your  partner. He's dynamic, encouraging, professional and a wonderful person."
Kelly Vliet retired Vice President, Sales
Medler Electric Company
Please click the following link, to see a
video testimonial from CEO-Chris Randall,
of Ultra Risk Advisors:
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