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January, 2025
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Embrace what you don't know, especially in the beginning, because what you don't know can become your greatest asset. It ensures you will absolutely be doing things different from everybody else.
     - Sara Blakely / SPANX founder
You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over.
     - Richard Branson / Virgin Group founder
The only thing worse than starting something and failing…is not starting something.
     - Seth Godin / Squidoo founder, author, blogger
The movie The Lion King gives us the phrase: "Hakuna Matata." It means "no worries, it's a problem-free philosophy." Somehow, you must continually convey to your customers and prospects, that with you and your company, they'll receive "Hakuna Matata."

The preceding quote, is excerpted from the 5th edition of Jeff's bestselling, Peak Your Profits. Available on Amazon (as of this writing) at a 32% savings:


Thanks to all of you, who helped PYP5 jump to #25 on Amazon.


Jeff's sixth and latest book is also on Amazon:

BULLSEYE! Hitting Your Targets at Home and at Work

It was released December 2nd, 2022—and four days later, achieved Best Seller status in multiple Amazon book categories. Including Hot New Releases:

Thanks! We're incredibly grateful.

BULLSEYE is also now available at Amazon as an EBook—at a special 50% E-courtesy savings.



QUESTION: Jeff, it's always fun—when we get to "travel" with you—to a fascinating location or a unique and interesting office-space. What's a memorable one?

ANSWER: Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said, "Every journey starts with a single step." So I'm never quite sure, when that "step" will lead me to the next gem or valuable lesson to share. This one, was "around the corner."

I spoke to CEOs, presidents and business-owners at a meeting being held at M&M Home Remodeling Services in Crete, Illinois. There, I met the talented, personable and focused, Nick Yadron, M&M's president. When I asked Nick, to please point me toward the washroom, he replied, "That's easy. About 74 steps to your left, then right!"

I made my left out of the boardroom and began my journey. As I turned right, there it was! Literally, the "writing on the wall!"

I was staring at three large signs or banners. Each about 4' x 3'. With green background, plus bold yellow and white letters.

The first was labeled: Foundational Values

The second: Relational Values

The third: Embodies Values

Each sign had three key principles or tenets. The kinda stuff that tells employees, teammates, prospects, customers, suppliers, partners, the community...

This is WHO WE ARE.


And most important, THIS IS HOW WE ACT.

May you too, find meaning and applicability with...

M&M Home Remodeling Services'...

Banner brilliance!


Showing yourself to be of GOOD and TRUTHFUL character in all situations involving customers, team members, and partnerships of the company.

Strongly SUPPORTING our brand PROMISE with unwavering DEVOTION to both our customers and each other.

Being DETERMINED to SUCCEED at accomplishing our mission despite what hurdles or circumstances may stand in our way. NEVER CEASING until we have ACHIEVED the desired RESULT we set out to ACCOMPLISH.

• • • • •


We STRIVE to RECOGNIZE and UNDERSTAND the WORTH, QUALITY, and IMPORTANCE each individual contributes to the overall mission of our company.

As a TEAM we understand the VALUE and IMPORTANCE of each other, our customers, and partnerships. Through our words, actions, and expressions we will make every effort to esteem these relationships.

Through WORDS and ACTIONS we will make one another more DETERMINED, HOPEFUL and confident in their abilities. INVESTING in each RELATIONSHIP in order to ACHIEVE the highest potential possible.

• • • • •


Having the CAPACITY and NECESSARY SKILLS to accurately DELIVER consistent RESULTS to our customers.


To INSTILL CONFIDENCE and PEACE OF MIND in every experience or interaction we have WITH ALL CURRENT, FUTURE, and PAST CUSTOMERS.

• • • • •

After observing, understanding and internalizing M&M's "messages," the take-aways for me were numerous:

- before we take care of "your home"—this is how we take care of "our home"

- solid construction requires a plan, with a strong foundation—this is what you can expect from us, for here's the "foundation" of our business

- home improvement is a process, yet eventually, it must stand strong, to survive the test of time—these are our canons or core beliefs, that have helped us stand strong and stay solid, and also survive the test of time

Simple, powerful lessons. And they're obviously working. M&M has been helping homeowners since 1976!

How will YOU "build" and "improve" YOUR "home?"

• • • • •



If you'd like to see Jeff tell the bullseye story, that's the inspiration for his latest best selling book: BULLSEYE! Hitting Your Targets at Home and at Work, please go to ResultsTV and his Vintage Video Vault at:


then click on this "Classic Cut" — Staying on Target

You might especially enjoy—seeing Jeff with fuller and darker hair, on top of his head and above his lip!


In a world—often in constant flux and disruptive upheaval—Bruce Turkel sees clarity and possibilities. His creative and innovative advertising, marketing and media solutions have helped futureproof brands—like; Nike, HBO, Bacardi, Hasbro and AmEx. Yet, his strategies can work for any business.

Bruce and I have been buddies a long time. He's a fellow Hall of Fame speaker and bestselling author; Building Brand Value, All About Them and Is That All There Is? Plus, he's a frequent guest on CNN and MSNBC. And as you'll soon see, Bruce will challenge you.

He reinforces, what I often encourage my clients to do, "Reconsider, reexamine and rethink—how they do, what they do and why they do it!"

Jeff Blackman: How do you help clients discover, how to get what they want?

Bruce Turkel: When we were building the agency, we figured out quickly—while new client acquisition was fun, existing client retention was where our incremental profits were. Based on this, it was more beneficial (profitable) to spend time figuring out how to keep clients.

We discovered when we lost business, we may have thought we were doing a good job, but we didn't really know what clients wanted. While working hard, we weren't delivering on their wants and needs.

The big surprise—was why this was happening. We didn't know what our clients wanted because they didn't know what they wanted. To overcome this problem, we developed a series of exercises that helped all of us understand what success looked like and how we could reach agreement on what clients wanted.

These exercises are the right tools to help current clients figure out what they want—personally and professionally. I've also learned to share the why—yet sell the how.

JB: You believe, "Good brands make people feel good. Great brands make people feel good about themselves." Tell us more...

BT: For years Volvo has told us their cars are safer. While safety is important, it isn't an asset that makes a car better at its function—getting the driver from A to B. What a safety brand does do, is it allows and empowers a Volvo owner to feel better about themselves. Because driving a safe car means being a better parent, spouse, friend or citizen.

Understanding your client or customer is the key to creating an All About Them brand. Once you know who your customer is and what they care about, then you show them why your brand helps them reach their aspirations and self-expression.

JB: You say, in a world of constant disruption, there are proven creative solutions and messaging strategies that work. Like...?

BT: The most important and consistent solution is to make sure your messaging is always, "All About Them." That means you must understand who your audience is, what they care about, and how you add value to their businesses and lives. Here are the first seven:

   1. All About Them

   2. Hearts Then Minds

   3. Make It Simple

   4. Make It Quick

   5. Make It Yours

   6. All Five Senses

   7. Repeat Repeat Repeat

When your messaging fulfills these seven points, (or most of them), you're on your way to building a compelling brand.

JB: How can one strengthen their creativity?

BT: Here are four strategies:

   1. Great creative thinkers stand on the shoulders of giants. Constantly expose yourself to great music, art and architecture. Develop a voracious curiosity, so you have resources to draw on.

   2. Understand that great ideas are ephemeral and fragile. When you're thinking, creating—take off your critical thinking cap and write down every thought. There's always time to cull out the bad ideas, but you never know when a bad idea is the impetus for a great idea.

   3. Create lots of ideas. Quitting when you think of one or two good solutions—often stops the process, long before the best idea arises.

   4. Creativity must be "exercised." If you want to write great prose, write. If you want to paint great paintings, paint. Talent matters, but potential without effort equals nothing.

JB: What world changes will be the most impactful in the future? How do we prep for them now?

BT: Now that digital technology has taken over most industries, consumers can access anything, anywhere, anytime, at virtually any price. Because of that, we all need to be absolutely positive about what we offer and why it matters. The most essential skillset to accomplish this, is knowing yourself, knowing your business, what you offer, and why it matters to the people you want to serve.

JB: Explain CC2CC...

BT: CC2CC is a simple messaging algorithm. It stands for Company-Centric to Consumer-Centric. It means you need to stop focusing on yourself and your business, (the "company" in "company-centric"). And instead, focus relentlessly on your consumer or decision-maker.

Interestingly enough, depending on whom you do business with, the "C" in "Consumer-Centric" can also stand for:

Customer | Client | Community | County | City |Country | Church | Congregation | Class | Chamber |  Clan | Coalition | Cooperative | Crowd | Circle |  Council | Committee | Colony | Campus | Club |  Citizens | Crew | Caravan | Collective | Commune |  Confederation | Culture | Caucus | Cadre | Cartel | Consortium | Circuit | Corps | Choir | Circle | Cluster | Colony | Cohort

JB: To drive growth, what do folks need to know and do?

BT: People don't choose what you do, they choose who you are. Customers can purchase the "products"  you're selling from lots of sources. If you haven't built a relationship that helps your customers achieve their own aspirations, you're already out of business. You just haven't realized it yet!

JB: As a musician, what instruments do you play? And what lessons has music taught you, about life and business?

BT: Harmonica, guitar, and trumpet. Because music has been a lifelong passion, it has taught me many lessons. One of the most important, is learning to be happy with where I am, while still striving to improve.

Each time I play with other people or watch and listen to others play, I realize we're all on a continuum of talent and ability with people better than me and people who aren't quite as good. What matters, is we all present who we are and what we can do in the best light possible, not trying to compete with others or be someone we're not.

JB: You stress, "think about others." What are the best ways to do that?

BT: People will listen, when what you say benefits them: Entertain. Educate. Enlighten. Best of all, do all three. Create a message that's truly, all about them!

• • • • •

In January, 2016—Bruce sold his Miami-based agency, Turkel Brands. It's now known as Relebrand.

Bruce remains incredibly busy. Perfecting his musical skills on harmonica, guitar and trumpet. Plus, writing and speaking—as he shows you how to: Build Your Own Brand. Live Your Own Life. And Get What You Want—personally and professioally.

To discover more ways, Bruce can help you craft meaningful and memorable messages for all aspects of your life, please take a peek at

• • • • •

Want to see how Jeff Blackman helped one client drive results? Please take a peek at this video, where Chris Randall, CEO of Ultra Risk Advisors, talks about Jeff's positive and powerful impact on his team:
BlackmanUltraResults video: (2:03)
To explore how Jeff can help you and your team drive results—with speaking, training, coaching, consulting and ongoing reinforcment—in-person or virtual, please contact Sheryl Kantor at: [email protected] or 847.998.0688
Your cup of inspiration, reflection and laughter!


As 2024 came to a close...

I reflected on the "new" in my life. New friends. New clients. New experiences. New moments to treasure.

While "new" is always welcome—I also value reliability, consistency and longtime friendships.

Chicago and the northern burbs have always been my home. It's also headquarters for United Airlines. Forty years ago, when I decided who would be my go-to airline out of O'Hare, I chose United. It was a smart choice.

Over the decades, United has taken phenomenal care of me and my family. For business and personal travel.

Yet, long before I'd be in United's "friendly skies"—the friendliness, positivity and commitment to always help—began at check-in. Especially, with incredible people like Charlotte Moore-Wilson.

I chose United in 1985, about the same time Char started. So over the past 40 years, Char and I saw each other on a regular basis. She met and knew my family. I knew about hers. If there was no one behind me at check-in, Char and I would visit. Then, she'd wish me a safe flight and give me a hug.

While I cherish the "new" in my life, regrettably—I also acknowledge—those I/we lost last year. Including Char.

She passed away in March at the age of 83. (Just prior to her death, Char was still working at United!)

Char was iconic. And loved by her United teammates. They paid tribute to Char—with a memorial button on their United vests and even a commemorative glass plaque on the United check-in counter.

It states: In Loving Memory of Charlotte Moore-Wilson / 1940 - 2024

Goodbyes Are Not Forever

Goodbyes Are Not The End

They Simply Mean I’ll Miss You

Until We Meet Again

Char, I and the tens-of-thousands you served—miss you!


Am always a fan, of someone who makes their intentions known. Especially, in a clever way.

A few weeks ago, my Uber driver in Dallas, adeptly executes—her bold bovine request!



In Chicago, hot dogs are "serious" business. As this sign emphatically declares:
Consider yourself, preemptively warned. Am merely trying to save you from ghastly embarassment, costly fines and lengthy imprisonment!


For an extra dose of inspiration and knowledge, please take a peek at our latest blog post:


And of course, you're welcome to become a blog subscriber too!

Coffee Break for the Mind is a registered trademark of Blackman & Associates, LLC

To make a Coffee Break for the Mind submission when you see or hear something funny, quirky or offbeat, please send it to: [email protected]

Looking for ideal gifts for yourself or others—to make Q1 and 2025 a time for dramatic growth and success...

Then please head to Amazon for Jeff's two latest bestselling books: Peak Your Profits and BULLSEYE!



BULLSEYE is also now available at Amazon as an EBook—at a special 50% E-courtesy savings.

You can't buy happiness, but you can buy books—and that's kind of the same thing!
     - Unknown
Thanks to each you, who forward The Results Report to your teammates, peers, friends, family, customers and connections. With each issue, this literally happens thousands of times. And we're grateful. If you'd like to save a step, please send us the email addresses of those special folks you forward it to, as well as others you think would enjoy each issue. Then we'll add them to our virtual family. Plus, let them know it was your idea. Thanks!
MEET JEFF |Jeff helps you win BIG in today's competitive marketplace. His high-energy and high-content messages deliver immediate take-home value, growth and results for you and your team. Whether he works with you once in a dynamic keynote or once-a-month in an ongoing coaching and learning-system, he helps you drive relationships, revenue, profits, results and rewards. Jeff is singularly focused on helping you achieve and surpass your desired outcomes. And you're even protected by Jeff's incredible No-Risk Assurance.
RIGHT FOLKS, RIGHT RESULTS |What's driving current or prospective members of your team? Your salespeople? Service 
													pros? And leaders? What causes them to produce, lead or loaf? What motivates them to attain, or not attain, new levels of success? What direction are they headed? Where do you want their journey to go? How valuable would it be, if you had the answers to these questions? Well now you can!
AUDIO EXCERPTS | Listen to powerful excerpts from Jeff's audio growth tools, CDs or interviews. | LISTEN NOW
"Jeff, the feedback is the best I've received in 9 years of coordinating our Forward meetings. You scored a Grand Slam! Thank you for doing such a great job, in preparing and motivating our team."
David Wallach President
Barclay Street Real Estate / 2011
(In April, 2024—David once again asked Jeff to work with his team in Calgary.)
"We first used Jeff's results strategies in 2011 and found great success. Fast forward 10 years and we basically have a new sales force due to retirements. To help our team achieve success and to keep 2021's momentum going, we made the easy decision to ask Jeff back. He took the time to learn all about our company in 2011 and again now. We discussed our history, culture, mission, markets, challenges and goals. Jeff definitely prepares for his audience and it shows when he's leading our discussions. His energetic style keeps everyone engaged and his strategies are simple to understand and easy to use. Plus, his follow-up virtual programs keep everything fresh, reinforcing the initial in-person training. Our sales team even thanked us for bringing Jeff in! It's cool to watch and hear how Jeff's techniques are helping our team gain sales. To see your sales team find success and grow your business, call Jeff."
Bill Michael President
Medler Electric Company / 2021
(In July, 2024—Bill and his leadership team, asked Jeff to return to Michigan to kickoff the third coaching and learning-system for Medler.)
"From the moment we met Jeff, he was interested in knowing our business at a fundamental level. He spent multiple sessions with our team, learning our merger challenges, interviewing customers and suppliers, and tailoring his 'change' message. He then set our conference tone with a fantastic keynote kick-off. I highly recommend Jeff to anyone looking to launch a new initiative or jump-start their organization wiht new energy and direction. We value his hard work and preparation and were thrilled with his keynote presentation."
Paul Dean Executive Vice President
LBM Advantage
"It's a pleasure working with Jeff through his results-process. Immediately after speaking with him and seeing his focused research to understand our needs, we knew we had a winning training and coaching strategy. Jeff's early engagement with our team, ongoing conversations and personal touch—in-person and throughout our reinforcement sessions, makes the magic flow—with accountability and focus, keeping us on track to meet and exceed our goals. If you want to differentiate, add value and take your craft to a new level, Jeff's your  partner. He's dynamic, encouraging, professional and a wonderful person."
Kelly Vliet retired Vice President, Sales
Medler Electric Company
Please click the following link, to see a
video testimonial from CEO-Chris Randall,
of Ultra Risk Advisors:
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