The best discoveries in life, are often the unexpected ones.
While at a Tucson resort, I was headed to the gym for an early morning workout.
Before hopping on the treadmill, I discovered on the wall, a mental exercise. Its author, Patricia Diane Cota Robles writes:
Beginning today:
I am going to control my emotions, so that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.
I am going to watch my words, thoughts and actions, because they are all powerful and will bring their effect into my life.
I am going to let my family, friends and co-workers know that they are a vital part of my life, and be as enthusiastic about their accomplishments, as I am about my own.
I am going to speak of health, happiness and prosperity.
I am going to be so involved improving myself, that I won’t have time to criticize others.
I will eliminate worry, anger and fear.
I will radiate confidence.
I will think the best, speak the best, do the best and expect the best.
Great stuff, thanks Patricia.
So I ask you, how will you…become your best?