A few year ago, while a guest at the New Orleans Marriott, I was a lucky recipient of unexpected goodies. About thirty minutes after check-in, there was a knock at the door. When I opened
I’ve always been a big fan of Jim Brickman; singer, songwriter, pianist and composer. A few years ago, he was appearing at a local music and bookstore for a CD signing and a special in-store
The best discoveries in life, are often the unexpected ones. While at a Tucson resort, I was headed to the gym for an early morning workout. Before hopping on the treadmill, I discovered on the
A friend, who’s a business-owner asked me: “Jeff, my folks were recently having a good-natured debate about which department, team or individual is more important, i.e., service, sales, ops, credit, etc. What’s your opinion?” Answer:
I’m a big fan of random of acts of kindness. Now you may be asking yourself, “What the heck does this have to do with results and peaking my profits.” Actually, everything! I’ve always firmly
Do you ever have prospects who ask, “Why should we pick you?” If so, here’s how you respond without sounding pompous or boastful. An effective way to translate value to a prospect or referred lead
At the start of a new year, folks are always in search of a “new” happiness. It’s a topic, amongst others—I addressed years ago, with fellow author and speaker, Brian Tracy, on my TV talk-show
With many schools already “back-in-session”—I found something in our daughter Brittany’s fourth-grade “academic archives” that’s applicable to not only “students” or “kids”—but also us “adults” in life and business. It was originally sent to me,
It wasn’t the words, it was the sound in his voice that told me something was wrong. During a recent phone conversation, a friend assured me everything was good in his life—with family and biz.