As I travel the country, working with clients in varied industries, there’s a recurring theme. It pops up during speaking engagements, consulting assignments and even 1:1 coaching…with CEOs, leaders and top sales producers. Folks continually
Years ago, one of my first clients, was Bresler’s Ice Cream and Yogurt. Bresler’s had numerous company and franchise-owned stores throughout the United States. I worked with their senior leadership team and store owners on
For those of you who have heard me speak before, you know I’ll often pose to a group and each participant, three simple yet powerful questions, I call the world’s fastest-strategic plan: Where are you?
A client once asked, “Jeff, what are the worst things you’ve ever seen a sales or businessperson do?” Yikes! Just remembering these tales of terror, sends shivers down my spine. Okay, the following may be
How would you like to replace the competition that’s serving the customers you’d like to be serving? Wouldn’t that be nice! However, it’s unlikely, because buyers or decision-makers are often reluctant to change, even if
I first wrote the following in 2001, following 9/11. Over the past 19 years, I’ve shared it in keynotes, results-sessions, newspaper columns and interviews. And folks always tell me, “It’s relevant and timeless.” May it
Have you ever wondered, “What can I say to—or ask a prospect—that’ll help replace or eliminate my competition?” Yep, thought so. While your desire to replace or eliminate your competitors is admirable, unfortunately, it’s highly
A client recently asked me, “Jeff, are there certain business principles that always stand the test of time?” Intriguing question. It prompted me to reach for and dust off—an old workbook from a shelf in
Passion is mandatory! There must be a fire in your belly, a passion in your gut, a sense of excitement in your sinew. You must have a missionary zeal, along with a relentless pursuit to
“What a smooth talker!” “She’s got the gift of gab!” Or “He’s a born salesman!” How many times have you heard remarks like these? Lots? Of course. Yet to the best of my knowledge, salespeople,